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PEO allows self-employed workers to operate as self-employed while enjoying the benefits of PEO.

What is PEO Turkey?

Thanks to this attractive option, the self-employed individual can lead a professional life on their own terms, without worrying about the red tape of billing or administrative paperwork.

The individual can therefore devote themself entirely to their business activity and delegate all management related procedures.

PEO is a legal and supervised solution, attracting more and more professionals wishing to test out their new business activity safely!

Payroll in Turkey is based on a set of tripartite contractual relationships. It is organised between: the client: (usually a company), the employee and the PEO.

What are the benefits of PEO Turkey?

Employee safety and comfort

Any independent professional who has opted for PEO is considered an employee of the Payroll company. In this respect, he/she benefits from the coverage of social security, retirement contributions, unemployment benefits, mutual insurance, and sickness benefits.

Freedom and administrative simplicity

The employee manages his/her activity without any extra paperwork. He/she has no accounts to keep, no invoices to issue and no service contracts to issue to clients. It is PEO in Turkey which will ensure all administrative, legal and financial aspects related to its service contracts.

Much more flexible time management

Discharged from most of his/her administrative obligations, the employee is then free to take on more projects to increase turnover.

Autonomy and professional independence

The consultant negotiates and intervenes freely with his/her own clients. The Payroll company based in Turkey gives him/her the right to work with the clients he/she wants, and to prioritise assignments in their areas of interest. The consultant is 100% independent but supported by the Payroll company in the development of their business activity.

Test out a new business activity without risk

PEO is an efficient and secure alternative allowing independent professionals to develop their projects without having to set up a legal structure. Thanks to the Payroll Turkey company, a professional can test out their business activity and assess its profitability before creating a new company.

PEO Turkey testimonials

Jérôme Dusmesnil

Bank Consultant

“PEO is a good solution to get started internationally!”

Aykut Dogan

Engineering expert

“PEO allows you to be independent.”

Steve Lancel

Web strategy consultant

“Payroll is an opportunity not to be missed.”


Below is a testimony from Brigitte Niels, who worked as a human resources consultant through our PEO company.

“Graduated in Education Sciences, I had my own business for 25 years in Turkey: the IMPA (Institute of Applied Specialised Management) which diagnoses personalities to boost their skills. At the same time, I led coaching and cohesion activities teams, management consultancy and training, while giving courses at ENACT (National School for the Application of Territorial Frameworks), as well as conferences and seminars for business leaders.

The time spent on administrative management was too heavy for me to manage, being taken enough for very diverse and geographically dispersed activities. I wanted to alleviate these constraints, without having any idea of ​​the solutions that could be envisaged.

PEO in Turkey came to me and immediately won me over. I saw in it the possibility of freeing myself from repetitive and tedious tasks and being able to devote myself more to the relational which is essential for the development of my activity. Indeed, supporting the human person requires the creation and maintenance of a special bond which means that a person will fully reveal themselves and put themselves in your hands, follow your advice to evolve … this path is not done without confidence, and trust is not won without time spent, availability and listening. 

What I found at this provider, which has a particularly friendly and caring relationship with its consultants, I can now fully give to others, to my clients and my future clients, because I am no longer absorbed by tasks that I consider exogenous to my profession, even if they are fully part of the status of self-employed”

More information on PEO Turkey is available on our website.



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